Sending Your Documents to Chasing Rays Proofreading

General Instructions

You can either send your work directly to my email,, noting any additional messages or special instructions, or use the submission form below. For more than three documents, you might find it more convenient to send your request directly to my email.

Note that in all cases, a total limit of 15 Mb for all mail attachments (5 Mb per file) applies. If your documents or supporting material need more than 15 Mb, please contact me to make alternative arrangements.

It is important that, on first use of my services, you indicate that you have read my guidelines (particularly for academics that you understand I will only act in accordance with the third-party proofreading regulations set out by your institution). On any further use of my services, I will assume that you continue to accept these conditions.

Emergency Work

You can still use the same methods as above for submission, but if you’re up against a tight deadline then you may also want to let me know that you’ve sent work on short notice. In this case, you can also send me a text on +44 (0)7455 213606, call me on +44 (0)7455 213606, or call my landline on +44 (0)1530 249143.

When submitting, please indicate in your subject field that your work is emergency work, as defined in my guidelines.

Send Your Documents through this Website

This form is specifically for sending documents directly to Chasing Rays Proofreading through this website. For a general information and request form, see my contact page.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Company, School or Academic Institution (required)

    Your Mobile Number (only required if you want text confirmations)

    Latest Return Date for Work (required)

    Latest Return Time for Work (if relevant)

    Preferred Currency for Invoicing (ISO 4217 three-letter code) (required - see list of codes)

    Attach your files (less than 15 Mb total, or 5 Mb per file; TeX, Word, Powerpoint, OpenDocument, Lyx, Windows and Unix compressed formats, etc) (required)


    Message and/or Special Instructions

    Have you read my guidelines? (required)